Tattoo Me
Untitled Sisters
Human Flower # 2
Sara No. 3
A Passion Fixed
Lost At Sea
Alina No. 1 Flowers in Mouth
Lonely Roller: Juan
Conformity and Equipoise
Collage no.2
Cigarette Smoker 1
Cigarette Smoker 2
Cigarette Smoker 3
Box of Secrets No.4
Birdflower Pharaoh
Guerrera Azteca
Left Handed Marriage
Ask a Shamen
Hanging Flowers 8.5 X 11
Forever Bae
I Could Cry Sparkles and Diamonds
Gunslinger 8.5 X 11
Violet Oh #1
A Letter to the Universe
Love in a Whirlwind
Lonely Roller ( Juan)
Alex 3
Expectation Crowned
Human Nature
Hidden Sara #4
I Could Cry Sparkles & Diamonds 17"x22"
Collage #10 8.5 X 11
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